Sunday, February 15, 2009

The light(s) that guide me

This winter I've been running mostly at night. There's not much to see at night -- with the obvious exception being streetlights.

I now offer my thoughts (and mostly photos) of streetlights.

This old fashioned light provides a surprisingly bright amount of light.

This modern light provides runners with great night visibility.

I took this in West Hartford. They apparently were not satisfied with the old light (background) thus a new one was needed (foreground).

This is just some random light from a parking lot.

Old light.

New light.

A very common light in these parts.

Another West Hartford light. Very festive, I might add.

This is what I call a marker light.

This light is very bright. I don't like it -- it is too bright.

This is my favorite streetlight. It is much more mellower then most streetlights. It is a "light" but it is not outrageously bright (you don't want your street to be too bright at night).


Mike said...

There's poetry in them streetlights.

Rosanne said...

Adam, you could write a book about streetlights. You've already got your first chapter. If there's a book on salt and a book on Twinkies, then there can be a book on streetlights. I like this idea!

Emily said...

I've never really thought about how many different streetlights there are. It must have been fun to run with your camera and look for all the lights.