Saturday, December 20, 2008

Let it snow!

I've just come in from shoveling the driveway. I'd say we got a good foot of snow here. All this snow is going to make it near impossible to do a good long run on the roads this it looks like I'll be running on the treadmill instead.

As you can see from the above photo I did get a Christmas tree this year (yes -- it is small).

Happy Holidays to all!


Rosanne said...

Adam! You should get a treadmill for your house... you can save on a gym membership. Doug and I shoveled yesterday and today; we also got around a foot of snow. But we aren't warming ourselves by the fire - we don't trust ourselves with the fireplace just yet. More snow for tomorrow I hear! Keep that shovel handy.

Emily said...

Hope you're up for more shoveling today. And I hope you're feeling better - Alastair is looking forward to some hugs from Adam, so you need to visit soon!

Unknown said...

I second that on the treadmill, Adam. Chris found one for us on craigslist for $200. Before you buy it, make sure the ceiling in your basement is high enough that your head won't be impaled by floor nails when you try to exercise. Makes a great excuse for me not to work out, though.. Merry Christmas!